Friday, April 15, 2016

Opening Session

Opening Session

Hello from beautiful Denver.  Well, at least it starts snowing.  It's supposed to snow tomorrow.  I know a picture doesn't do it justice but:

4 items
- Student Success
- Constituent Experience
- Institutional Growth
- Operational Efficiency

Ellucian Ethos Platform
- Integrated
- Secure
- Extensible
- Analytics

Higher Education Data Model (Announced).  Break out sessions on this

Schema and relationships in line with how things are done on campuses.  Published openly.

35 partners committed to write to that data model
Integration costs less.  Time to implementation much shorter

U of M - Dearborn -> DegreeWorks video

DegreeWorks Portion

DegreeWorks was Degree Audit Process -> DAP
- Language rules we're codified in 1995 -> Scribe
- 1996 -> DegreeWorks
- 851 licensed customers
- 371 have transfer equivalency
- 569 attendees at this conference

Emporia State University Video

Bridgewater State University Video