Friday, April 15, 2016

DegreeWorks Localization

SHP files
Style sheets

Baseline new version is copied to app/shpscripts; local/shpscripts is not touched

Baseline style sheets for the new version are copied to admin/xsl

Baseline stile sheets for any files after are new in his version are also copied to local/xsl (existing files are not overwritten)

Localizations are intact!  But the files may be out of date
Any update files need to be copied and potentially modified from admin/xsl to local/xsl

Files changed between versions are collected in updates/webroot
4.1.5 - Dashboard full of baseline files is also deployed

Post-Deploy state
Upgrade to 4.1.4: localizations are intact; files may be out-of-date
Upgrade to 4.1.5: interface is completely baseline (dashboard.war)

Performing localization reintegration

When must localizations be reintegration in a given file?
1. Your copy is localized
2. Your file was re-released
 -- DegreeWorks Manifest (best way)
 -- Check the file for the version number at the top
 -- Check the manifest for the version number in the column associated with the release version

Check everyday file in local/shpscripts against the manifest to see if it has been redelivered.  If so, then reintegrate with new version of the file

Pull a copy from app/shpscripts
Compare and merge changes into new localized file and put it in local/shpscripts
Don't forget to webrestart

For fop(PDF) style sheets
Not all files in local/xsl are localized, and not all filed in admin/xsl are delivered in this version

Recommended approach to
1) list all the files that have changed between your old and new version
2) List your fop xsl file that contain localizations
C) for not localized, then copy
4) compare and merge those that do

For Webfiles pre-4.1.5
All files in updates/webroot have changed.
If you haven't localized, copy
Otherwise merge changes and copy


Put a copy of your localized files in a directory called "localize"
If there is a copy of one of these files in updates/webroot you, compare and merge;  you should end up with an up-to-date copy of all localized files in "localize"
Extract contents of Dashboard.war into a directory called "finalize"
Copy the files form localize to finalize, simply overwriting them...
...  Except for SD_HeaderFrame.html and SD_ExpHeader.html ...  see Article 000035573

Jar backup the Dashboard.war file and redeploy

Discussion of winmerge and diff tools


Xsltproc (xsltproc [options] stylesheet.xsl file.xml)
Firefox or IE right click student's audit and save

Q&A Session
Discussion of using GIT / Subversion.  Seems like GIT is the most interesting.