Friday, April 15, 2016

Birds of a Feather - 2 year colleges

Begin discussion about how students choose a program.  That devolved into Students choosing their own major and discussion about how that messes up their curriculum records. 

Students change their major in their mind, but not our systems

DIscussion of students staying in majors that get FA but do not follow the plan

Discussion of using the tracking features in DegreeWorks

DIscussion of implementation of Starfish and how it makes tracking students easier

Student outcome tracking -> runs a what if and will flag courses as degree applicable or not

SFAYRCP - Form to display results.

Ways to get students to keep their promises...
 - Career Counseling
 - Restrict number of major changes
 - Tracking System 
 - SFAYRCP Banner form

Other topics
 - Athletics Audits? FA sudits?
 - SOC agreements for military students?
 - Workflow process within DegreeWorks -> students create plan -> Sent to Auditor -> If Approved -> Degree is locked and made active
 - Argos reporting for counsellors to review new plans
 - At this institution there are many students and many advisors (not directly assigned)
 - Session Saturday on using workflow without using Banner Workflow.
   - Students create their own SEP
 - Not using transfer GPA from Banner
 - Extract process BAN080 (SQL queries)
 - Accordian feature - Expand/Collapse Student Header (Brian Crandell on eCommunities)
 - using the DWUSER class to check the roll to customize the header for types of users
 - Training methods for staff/faculty
  - ODSL - Education Services - will Relaunch it with a new name in a few months 
  - provides curriculum, assessments, videos etc for each Ellucian product
  - Working to make this a LMS with assessments.  New staff can take the course and pass, which can be workflowed into the process

 - DegreeWorks prerequisites?
 - Exception workflow?
   - Digital signature/form